Empty Plates

15. Poorva Joshipura MD of Peta talks Veganism and the impact of 'pure vegetarianism'

Anjli Vyas

In this episode we speak to Poorva Joshipura,  Senior Vice President of International Affairs for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) about the perception of veganism, animals as food, domestication, planetary health, human health, ethics and of course what it means to consume food? 

Poorva Joshipura is an  key voice in vegan ethics and culture and esteemed author as we as an advisor for different organizations that protect domesticated work animals used for work in India and Jordan 

Her book first book 'For A Moment Of Taste: How What You Eat Impacts Animals, The Planet And Your Health' is an in-depth exposé of what happens to animals commonly used for meat, eggs and dairy foods in India

Her new book called  ‘Survival at Stake: How Our Treatment of Animal is Key to Human Existence’ examines the links between global crisis and poor treatment of animals - she links this to  pandemics, epidemics, antibiotic resistance and climate change.

From being an undercover investigator to an award winning global leading  voice in animal rights, Poorva is a regular guest on television news and radio shows through which she encourages viewers and listeners to be considerate to animals.